Qassim Haider Calligraphy
TypoGrid 1.3.2 - Web App. 1 march 2015
TypoGrid is a smart tool for typographers and graphic designers helps them to create typography letters and pixel arts based on the grids system. View +

A curious mind that constantly seeks knowledge, Qassim’s portfolio extends to fields as diverse as arabic calligraphy, typography and web programming.
Qassim was commissioned to develop typefaces and calligraphy for different campaigns and creative projects. His work has been featured in publications and he has spoken at various art forums, Since ending of 2014 he launched his own business offering arabic fonts & strategic design services.
حظي قاسم بيبئة فنيّة منذ نعومة أظفاره، أحب القلم والقرطاس، دَرَسَ الخط العربي وفق أصوله الفنيّة مع أساتذة متعددين، مَزَجَ معارفه بشكلٍ إبداعيٍ متناغم، فراح يرسم لوحةً هنا، ويبدع خطًا هناك، فكَرَس حياته كراساتٍ خطيّةٍ وفنيّةٍ، إلتحق بالدراسة الأكاديمية وتخصص في تقنية المعلومات، فأجاد لغاتٍ برمجيةٍ عديدة، كما مارس التصميم الجرافيكي وطور الخطوط الطباعيّة الحديثة، أبدع قاسم في الخطِّ الكوفي بأنواعهِ المتعددة كما برع في خطِّي النسخ والإجازة. ساهم في تصميم العديد من الشعارات والخطوط لحملات دعائية عالميّة ومحليّة بالإضافة لعدد من المواقع الإلكترونية، كما أنه ابتكر برنامجًا خاصًا لتصميم الخط الكوفي المربع.

Selection of logotypes created for various clients over the past years

PDF : Selection of logotypes created for various clients over the past years.
Some of the custom and exclusive Arabic typefaces that I’ve developed.
Calligraphy Arts

Letterize cute widget, developed to help you easily convert letters between different cases: lower case, UPPER CASE, Sentence case and Capitalized Case.
• Khatt Foundation:
Friends and Useful Links
• Mohammed Al-Baharna, Bahraini Calligrapher• Pascal Zoghbi, Arabic Type Designer & Typographer
• Mamoun Sakkal: Square Kufi Alphabet
Selection of scripts created over the past years
• Write Arabic in Adobe Photoshop | jsx Script
• Show all your system fonts for Adobe Illustrator | jsx Script
• Create the standard paper dimensions: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 & more ... for Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop | jsx Script
• Nice Animation Effects/Component for Adobe Flash.
• Nice Text Effects/Component for Adobe Flash.
- Branding & Logo design.
- Logotype, Typography & Brandmark Arabization.
- Arabic calligraphy.
- Wedding & Greeting cards design.
- Custom font design.
- Font format conversion.
- Book & Brochure design.
- Web design & Development.
- Typography & Calligraphy course.
- Consulting.
Need custom font? need an arabic calligraphy or typography for your corporation or client? contact me and I will get back to you as soon as possible! or Request for Quotation
e: qassim[at]qcalligraphy[dot]com | qassim[at]qtypography[dot]com
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